Credit Management

This course is managed and designed specifically by Heather Lawlor.Not only the quality of our lecturers and the fact that the material is written by the foremost industry professionals, but also the way have we presented the courses, ensures the optimal opportunity for the acquisition of both theoretical and practical aspects of the leaning outcomes of the course.

Often one assumes that our staff are fully versed with all the aspects of Credit Management and we let them “get on with the job” but this is not always the case, so one needs to “get back to Basics” and work ones way through the fundamentals, and often remind one ‘self of what we know and forget due to the pressures of the job.

Join us for this highly interact workshop run by the Market leaders in Credit Management.

Course Content

Mastering the Key Foundational Elements That Are Necessary for Successful Travel & Entertainment Expense Management
Measuring and Managing AP Performance for Improved Results
Successful Fraud Prevention Techniques that can be used to fine-tune your Internal Controls
Costs cutting and Improving Efficiency – Tips on How to Turn an Average AP Department into a Superior, Streamlined and Smooth-Running Operation
Implementing Proven Invoice Handling & Management Best Practices for a More Streamlined AP Process
Best Practices in Managing Accounts Payable
Beyond the Basics – Taking Master Vendor Management to The Next Level (vendor checks/supplier verification)
Making Sense of The Compliance Maze – An Update on All of The Latest Government Requirements & Regulations That Affect Your AP Department’s Compliance


6 months
Enrol in Credit 1


Matric certificate or RPL

Course Overview

Module One:

Definition of credit

Forms of credit


Credit offerings


Module Two:

Sources and Role of Credit

Control Functions, Products and Responsibilities of different Credit offerings

The National Credit Act

Module Three:

The Role of Credit in business

Cash cycle and the use of Credit in business

Advantages & disadvantages of offering Credit

Cost of Credit to a business                                        

Chain of distribution and the varying Credit requirements

Module Four:

The Role of Credit in the life of a consumer

Benefits and dangers in using Credit

Understanding consumer rights and obligations

The role of Credit in the economy

Understanding the various pressures and Economic influences  


Module Five:

Definitions of Credit Terminology

Open Account

Instalment Sale Agreements

Leasing & rental agreements

Payment Terms and factors influencing them

Module Six:

Internal Credit Environment

Functions of a Credit Department

Credit Policy

Credit Evaluation



Module Seven:

Consumer Assessments

Decision Making & Credit Limit setting

Manual System

Scoring System

Module Eight:

Business Ownerships

The Role of the following non-financial sources

Evaluating Risk

Non-financial information

Setting Credit limits

Commercial Assessments

Sources of Information

Credit Application Forms

Conditions of Sale


Module Nine:


Importance Collections

Cost of overdue accounts

Cost of bad debt write-offs

Payment Methods

Collection Objectives

Collection Procedures Policy

Target setting for individual collectors

Categorize debtors

Collection Tools

Council of Debt Collectors

Council of Debt Collectors, ADRA& Code of Ethics

Consumer & Commercial Collections

Measurement of Effectiveness


Module Ten:

Debtors Administration

Banking Procedures and Balancing

Data Capturing & Balancing


Inter-Departmental Co-operation

Company& Departmental objectives

Importance of Team strategy


Module Eleven:

Introduction to the Basic Law of Contract

Law of Contract

Definition of a legally binding contract

Contract of Sale


Module Twelve:

Supervisory Skills

Role of the Supervisor

Obligations to Management

Plan, Lead, Organize and Control


6 months
Enrol in Credit 2


Completion of Credit Management 1

Course Overview

Module One:

Economical & legislative factors of Credit Management

and their impact on customer ability to pay

National Credit Act, POPI, CPA, New Companies Act

Module Two:

Sources of finance available to Companies requiring

Working capital / growth funding


Asset finance

Factoring & invoice discounting



Module Three:

Credit Policy

Setting policy

Implementing policy

Measuring effectiveness of policy


Module Four:

Structure of a Credit Management Department

Organizational structure

Methods of management

Role of the Credit manager

Link to Senior Management & other departments


Module Five:

Understanding Budgets, Targets & Provisions

Importance of performing within budget

Setting targets & measuring achievement

Providing for bad debts & credit notes – impact on profit


Module Six:

Advance Assessment Skills & Decision making

Financial Ratios – measuring ability & willingness to pay

Methods of setting credit limits

Impact of unrealistic credit limits

Monitoring & reviewing limits

Making a decision factor to be considered


Module Seven:

Securing an Account

Theory of Securities

Practical application of securities

Value of security

Perfecting security



Module Eight:

Administrative Controls

Role of the Computer

Using computers to maximum advantage

Understanding online systems & the interdepartmental links

Importance ofpasswords & authority levels Exception reports & their uses

Individual responsibility

Cash Sale Reconciliation & controls

Documentation Controls

Service Procedures

Module Nine:

Supervising the Department

Collection Targets


Measuring performance

Team Building

Module Ten:

Debt re-scheduling

Dangers involved

Accepting A.O. D’s

Acceleration Clause

Third party Collections


Module Eleven:

Legal Action on Delinquent debtors

Court Jurisdiction

Instructing an attorney

Costs involved

Procedure to Judgment

Legal terminology


Module Twelve:

Export and International Credit

INCO Terms

Legal restrictions

Assessment Procedures


VAT Implications


Module Thirteen:

Consumer Credit

Legislation restrictions

Developing assessment models

Performance Scoring

Supervision of Collections

Target Setting

Result measurement


Module Fourteen:

Introduction to Banking Credit




Module Fifteen:

Accounts Receivable Financing

Why Factoring Services are required

Cash Cycle

Factoring Services


Module Sixteen:

The role of Micro Lenders in South Africa

Why Regulations are required


Module Seventeen:

Introduction to Liquidations / Insolvency

Acts of Insolvency

Provisional & Final Insolvency


Module Eighteen:

Internal & External Audit & their requirements


6 months
Enrol in Credit 3


Completion of Credit Management 2

Course Overview

Module One:

Management: Planning, Leading, Organising & Control, Management styles, Management reporting.

Module Two:

Insolvencies & Liquidations: Definitions, Process, Procedure, Proving a claim, attending meetings & acting as Judicial Manager.

Business Rescues as per the Companies Act- 2011


Module Three:

Courts: Magistrates Court, High Court, Consumer Affairs Court, Small Claims Court and Arbitration Court.


Module Four:                                                                                                                      

Litigation, Debt Recovery &Liquidation in the High Court


Module Five:

Applicable Acts: Debt Collectors Act, Prescription Act, Administration of Estates Act, Retention of Documents, Insolvency Act, Agricultural Act, Matrimonial Act, Magistrates Court Act.

Contractual Capacity – all parties, contract performance, contraventions, breach, formalities and damages.

Module Six:

Financial Management Cash flow requirements Budgeting requirements

Overtrading signs and financial strains on a company

Understanding Financial Statements, Income Statements, and the various Ratios

Module Seven:

National Credit Act

Understand the National Credit Act

The application of the National Credit Act Who is affected by the National Credit Act. The NCA calculations


Module Eight:

Business Rescue

Understand Business Rescue process.

Possible outcomes of Business Rescue


Module Nine:

Insurance Act

Understand contract of carriage and how it is implied between buyer and seller

Different kinds of carriers

Concept of insurance, the principles underlying the contract, the right and duties of the parties.

Concept of the insurable interest, the doctrine of disclosure and become acquainted with common terminology used in insurance.

Carriage with reference to the different types of carriers and the contents of the contract of carriage.


Module Ten:

Companies Act

The updates of the Companies Act

Understand the requirements of the Companies  

Structures of the Companies Act

Understand the purpose of new requirements of the Companies Act


6 months
Enrol in Credit 4


Completion of Credit Management 3

Course Overview

Module One:

Human Resource Management

Labour Relations Act

Module Two:

Business Law

Aids in the Workplace

Corporate Governance

Value added Tax

Non-profit Organisation Act 71 of 1997

Competition Act 89 of 1998

Protected Disclosures Act 26 of 2000(Whistle-blowers)

Promotion of Access to Information Act 2of 2000 (amended) PAIA

Electronic Communications and Transactions Act (2002)

Consumer Affairs (Unfair Business Practices) Act 71 of 1988

Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA)

Cyber Law      

Module Three:

Business Economics

Financial Analysis

Credit Management Statistics


6 months
Enrol in Credit 5


Completion of Credit Management 4

Course Overview

Module One:



Module Two:



Module Three:



Module Four:

Principals of Risk Management

Module Five:

Managing Diversity


Module Six:

Business Management


Module Seven:

Business Writing Skills


Module Eight:

Business Etiquette

*On successfully completing Credit Five of the Course and obtaining a minimum of 50% in the Summative Assessment, set and examined by the ICM, learners will be provided with a Certificate stating that they have successfully completed Part Five of the Five Part Certificated Course in Credit Management. The Diploma in Credit Management level Six will soon be on its way as soon as QCTO give their stamp of approval.  The QCTO forum completed their foundational work on the new syllabus, and we await this very exciting new development.